(This page describes a new, non-blurring technology for optical anti-aliasing. Please note however that we also supply conventional birefringent optical anti-aliasing filters and optical low-pass filters.) Color aliasing persists as a difficult problem in digital imaging. The first image here illustrates this problem, which can occur whenever an image is sharply focused onto a sensor that samples different colors at different points. We offer a novel and proprietary optical filtering technology that eliminates these aliasing artifacts; the second image demonstrates the application of our technology:
Our filter works by an entirely different principle from that of standard birefringent antialiasing filters, and it offers significant advantages over conventional strategies:
The central component of our antialiasing approach is a special optical filter that is inserted into an imaging system's optical path. The filter can be placed in front of the imaging lens, or between the lens and the image sensor. The filter has the appearance of clear glass, and does not contain a polarizer or other darkening element; it can optionally be combined with an IR absorbing blue-green glass. Examples of the filter are shown here:
Color interpolation is performed by a special processing algorithm that is matched to the characteristics of the optical filter. The algorithm is extremely simple, and is easily implemented at very high speeds without complex software or hardware. This page illustrates a general purpose approach for single-shot color mosaic cameras. We also have a number of specialized approaches specifically tailored to certain constrained optical imaging architectures, such as document and film scanning. We would be pleased to discuss your digital imaging application with you; if you are encountering aliasing or sampling artifacts, we may be able to supply you with an OEM component that rectifies them. Notes: